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You are purchasing a Pink Princess in a 4' nursery pot.  This plant is a beautiful multicolor pink, white and green marbling. In order to get mature leaf size, train your Princess to grow up a moss pole. Do not set it in the direct path of the sun's rays as it will burn the leaves.  Water when the top inch layer of the plant is dry.  Will prefer to be a little dry over being too wet.

This is may not be the exact plant you receive.  This is just an example of one of the pink princesses with high marbling.  

Pink Princess-High marbling

    • Water when the first 1" of soil is dry then water plant throughly.
    • This plant will grow faster in bright indirect light but will tolerate low light.  Philodendron is considered a good "office plant". Do not place in direct light as the sun will burn the leaves of the Philodendron.
    • Caution: Philodendron is toxic to both dogs and cats as it can irritate the mouth and tongue.. It may also cause vomiting, increased salivation and swallowing difficulties. Best be kept in high places out of pet's  reach.
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